
This listing contains all the analytical materials posted on the Russia Matters website. These include: RM Exclusives, commissioned by Russia Matters exclusively for this website; Recommended Reads, deemed particularly noteworthy by our editorial team; Partner Posts, originally published by our partners elsewhere; and Future Policy Leaders, pieces by promising young scholars and policy thinkers. Content can be filtered by genre and subject-specific criteria and is updated often. Gradually we will be adding older Recommended Reads and Partner Posts dating back as far as 2011.

Expert Survey: What to Expect From Putin’s Fifth Term?

RM Staff May 10, 2024 RM Exclusives
We asked several of America’s leading Russia experts to comment on what to expect from Russia’s relations with the West, China and post-Soviet Eurasia during Vladimir Putin’s new term, and how long his rule may last.
issue brief

Ukraine’s Insurgency, Purposefully Limited in Aims and Size, Pokes Holes in Russian Occupation

Jean-François Ratelle November 03, 2022 RM Exclusives
Its main focus has been targeting pro-Russian collaborators and disrupting Russian military logistics, not engaging in head-on confrontations with Moscow’s forces.

The Impact of the War in Ukraine on Global Trade and Investment

World Bank May 01, 2022 Recommended Reads
The war has direct effects on the firms operating in Russia and Ukraine and on firms relying on suppliers from those markets. But the shock caused by the war goes well beyond these two countries, as geopolitical risks have increased globally.

Survey: What Would a Le Pen Presidency Mean for France’s Policy Toward Russia?

RM Staff April 20, 2022 RM Exclusives
The nationalist firebrand who has recently "put water in her vodka" and considerably toned down her anti-EU rhetoric is well known for cultivating warm ties with Vladimir Putin's Russia.

Expert Survey: Impacts of Russia’s War in Ukraine

Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs February 28, 2022 Partner Posts
Belfer Center experts comment on repercussions of the invasion.

Survey: Experts Weigh In With Expectations for Biden-Putin Summit

RM Staff June 15, 2021 RM Exclusives
Thomas Graham, Nikolas Gvosdev, Paul Kolbe, Olga Oliker and Angela Stent share their thoughts on stabilizing the U.S.-Russian relationship, low-hanging fruit, concrete steps and what can go wrong.

Georgian Democracy Stumbles Onward After Parliament Deal

Terrell Jermaine Starr April 26, 2021 Recommended Reads
A six-month stalemate over vote-rigging accusations has been partially, but messily, resolved.

With New START Extended, What Is Future of US-Russian Arms Control?

RM Staff February 05, 2021 RM Exclusives
Experts Laura Kennedy, Michael Krepon, Emmanuelle Maître, Olga Oliker, Steven Pifer and William H. Tobey weigh in with answers.
issue brief

Why Does Congress Not Care About Normalizing Relations With Russia?

Daniel Shapiro and Arthur Martirosyan February 26, 2020 RM Exclusives
There are several major reasons why, whether under the Clinton, Bush, Obama or Trump administrations, Capitol Hill has been reluctant to normalize relations with Russia and even at times hit the brakes on reset attempts.

Living in (Digital) Denial: Russia’s Approach to Cyber Deterrence

Joss Meakins July 23, 2018 Partner Posts
For cyber deterrence to be effective, Western countries must do more to convince Russia that deterrence in cyberspace works for both sides and can be a force for stability.

NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard

Svetlana Savranskaya and Tom Blanton December 12, 2017 Recommended Reads
Newly declassified documents lend credence to claims that Western leaders repeatedly reassured their Soviet counterparts in the early 1990s that NATO would not budge "one inch eastward."

US-Russia Policy 1 Year On: Experts Weigh In on Successes, Failures, Where to Go from Here

RM Experts November 08, 2017 RM Exclusives
Our respondents agree, for the most part, that there have been few successes in the new administration’s dealings with Moscow. Their recommendations for moving forward are as varied as their backgrounds.