
Results 1 - 10 out of 30

Analysis | Mar 26, 2024
Russia’s war against Ukraine has revealed stories about the heroic resistance efforts of Ukrainian women, but comparable stories have been entirely lacking on Russia’s side.
Analysis | Feb 22, 2024
A classified year-long study on the lessons learned from both sides of the bloody campaign examined five areas: ground maneuver, air power, information warfare, sustaining and growing forces and long range fire capability.
Analysis | Nov 22, 2023
Despite a century of women’s involvement in the region’s wars, Russian and Ukrainian women's involvement as combatants today echoes a global pattern where women are relegated to roles that distance them from frontline combat. 
Analysis | Oct 26, 2023
As Russia seeks cracks in Western countries’ united efforts to sanction Russia over its war against Ukraine, U.S. policymakers and their allies need to better explain not only the motifs, but also the goals of their punitive measures against Russia’s aviation sector.
Analysis | Jul 20, 2023
Ukraine has managed to maintain a human-centric approach toward AI use, but Western militaries still need to agree on how to use AI after its debut in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
Analysis | May 17, 2023
A former U.S. defense attaché to Moscow believes it's almost unavoidable.
Analysis | May 05, 2023
Moscow’s main bet militarily seems to be on playing defense, as it lacks the manpower, arms and commanders to regain strategic initiative on the battlefield.
Analysis | Apr 20, 2023
In the past, Germany believed it could afford to neglect national and NATO defense because the threat situation was quite different. In retrospect, this was politically short-sighted.
Analysis | Feb 22, 2023
The main question now: How far will the escalation go?
Analysis | Feb 09, 2023
Europe’s brutal conflict has been a harsh but instructive teacher.