
Results 3071 - 3080 out of 3096

Event | Feb 08, 2018
Jordan Gans-Morse discusses his book "Property Rights in Post-Soviet Russia: Violence, Corruption, and the Demand for Law," which posits, among other things, that the crucial importance of private sector “demand” for law is frequently overlooked.
Event | Feb 08, 2018
Russian politician, TV talk show host, socialite, journalist and social activist Ksenia Sobchak discusses her bid for the Russian presidency.
Event | Feb 13, 2018
Thomas Kent, president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and a specialist in international reporting, discusses his experiences and insights from working in Russia and former Soviet territories.
Event | Feb 16, 2018
More than a dozen scholars will present at Barnard College for a conference on criminal governance in comparative perspective.
Event | Feb 20, 2018
The Ukrainian Film Club at Columbia University hosts, via video-conference, director Anastasiya Starozhytska, who will discuss her film "The War of Chimeras," about the human toll of the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine.
Event | Feb 27, 2018
Join George Washington University's Elliott School for a discussion of Russia's attempted "pivot to Asia."
Event | Feb 27, 2018
Olena Nikolayenko, associate professor of political science at Fordham University and associate at the Davis Center, discusses youth movements, political repression and elections in Serbia and the former Soviet Union.
Event | Feb 27, 2018
Anna Veduta, the global outreach director for Meduza, a preeminent source for professional independent reporting on Russia, discusses media and politics in the country ahead of the presidential election in March.
Event | Feb 18, 2018
Wolfgang Drechsler, professor of Governance at Tallinn University of Technology, discusses the development of Public Administration, both in practice and theory, in the former ‘Second World.'
Event | Mar 05, 2018
Alexander Hug, principal deputy chief monitor for OSCE's Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, offers an on-the-ground perspective on the SMM's efforts to reduce tensions and promote normalization in the country's east.

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